THE DETAILS: 3-10 miles easy followed by 10 miles gradually cutting down from one minute slower than marathon pace/effort, to slightly faster than marathon pace/effort.
AN EXAMPLE: As Stephanie Bruce progresses in her buildup toward the 2022 TCS NYC Marathon, she is beginning to run some of the long, marathon-specific workouts that will prepare her for the demands of the New York City course. She ran this session exactly nine weeks out from the race.
QUOTES: “I think you have to practice that restraint. It’s really easy for athletes to be like, ‘Oh, it felt so good.’ But early in a workout, or early in a marathon, it should feel good.” – Steph
HOW TO DO IT YOURSELF: This is a classic NAZ Elite marathon workout. Depending on the volume you’re used to, run anywhere from 3-10 miles easy beforehand and then run the next 10 miles gradually cutting down from about a minute per mile slower than your goal marathon pace/effort until you finish just a bit faster than your goal marathon pace/effort. Watch how Steph does it in the video below for a great example (plus she narrates the video). Her last 10 miles were: 6:23, 6:22, 6:16, 6:14, 6:08, 5:59, 5:48, 5:38, 5:32, 5:35 (60:00 overall).