They say a picture is worth a thousand words. But what if you can’t find the words. I recently finished 10th at the 2018 London Marathon, in a time of 2:32:28. It was my second top-10 finish at a World Marathon Major, but in my opinion my worst marathon of my career. I’m no longer a “new” mom. I’m not held back by sleep deprivation, breast feeding fatigue, or post partum pains. My kids are 2 and 3. I can now train aggressively, recover completely, and pursue my goals fully. I guess that’s what makes falling short of them, so hard to grip. There’s more to my story from London than just the weather being hot and not PR’ing. I hope my following thoughts and feelings don’t diminish the accomplishments of others or those that support and cheer hard for me. But you need to see it from my perspective.