November 19, 2020. The men of HOKA NAZ Elite travel to Camp Verde, AZ.

Tyler Day, Scott Fauble, Rory Linkletter, Scott Smith, and Sid Vaughn warm up for their workout with Nick Hauger who’s come down to cheer on his teammates.

The workout begins with 12 1-kilometer repeats in 2 minutes, 58 seconds each, with a 1-minute rest between repeats. The men take turns leading with assistant coach Ben Bruce hopping in to help after #6.

After #12, the guys have five minutes to rest, and to prepare, before the final piece of today’s workout: an all-out 5k.

With 7-and-a-half miles of hard work already on their legs, the men tear into the 5k. Tyler leads the way to take home the day’s bragging rights, followed by Rory, Scott Fauble, Sid, and Scott Smith. Successful day across the board. On to the next…

Photos by Evan Barnes. evanbarnesphotos.com